Adaptive Business Assistant 

Paradigm, designed for the Enterprise, simplifies the integration of Gen AI into business workflows. It offers both on-premise and cloud options and comes with ready-to-use applications.

With Paradigm, you are adopting more than a model; you are getting a customized, secure Enterprise solution.

With Paradigm: leverage Enterprise-centric LLMs

Easy to serve

Customizable for specific
use cases

Privacy guaranteed

Generating AI Products with Business Analytics Feedback

Explores an innovative approach to developing AI products by incorporating insights from business analytics feedback

Learn more


Effortlessly create, evaluate, share and iterate on prompts and fine tune models, with seamless access to prompt/model lists and associated business KPIs.


A seamless solution for effortlessly integrating and connecting your data.

Performance monitoring

Monitor and optimize the usage and performance through a comprehensive dashboard.

Data governance

Enable users to create and
manage user accounts, permissions, and API keys.

Ready-to-use demos

Showcase the potential of our technology with zero effort required on your end.

Embedding & Search

Capability of integrating with any open source solution or your own solution.

Dev Tools

Compatible with open source tools such as Langchain and GPT index.


Agnostic to infrastructure type (on prem / Private cloud).

LightOn's Large Language Models

State of the Art

40B model trained on trillions of tokens


We cover 10+ major languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, 
German, Portuguese).


Lightning-fast responsiveness.